Old Friends

Missing my old friends.

Dear Father,

Today, I stumbled upon a name of an old college classmate during a conversation at lunch. I thought so hard of her name and finally succeeded in giving the name to her face. I remembered what our trainor here in the office taught us. That we can try to look for the name of people using Google. So that is what I did.

First I Googled "Adeliza Alonzo", that charming soprano girl from college. There were many search results, but none about the person I know of. I was about to close the browser when another name came to mind. What about those guys back in elementary?

I can only remember a few of them, as I considered my life back then as Hell. Those that I managed to remain in my memory are those who were pretty significant.

First I searched my "bestfriend" back at Grade 3, Ms. Viracell O. Luansing. Who would have thought this cute Chinese girl would turn out to be a UP Los Banos Scholar with an average GPA of 1.63. Wow! She definitely rocks! I bet she doesn't remember me anymore, but hey, I give her a salute for managing to even get in to UP. I failed at their entrance exams and will forever be banned from entering their gates.

Next, I searched for a dear friend back at Grade 4. His name is Mr. Andrian Benavidez. He's probably the first guy I ever got close with, but not that close enough. He was an interesting kid with adorable pink cheeks. The only person I've ever seen probably in my whole life with naturally rosy cheeks. He was a pretty chubby person back then too. And very very friendly. He tried to get real close with me and even exchange little letters occasionally. Sadly though, I never appreciated everything that much, and back then, my heart was closed to everything else. I lost contact with him when I transferred schools, but I have really fond memories of being with him. I still keep the angel he gave me as a gift, and I still remember his birthday... October 24, 1986.

I stopped writing to him out of embarrassment. I was younger and thought like a child. He was more mature and may want a more private life. So that ended my communications with him altogether.

I searched his name in Google and got the second surprise for the day.

Andrian Benavidez went to Jose Rizal University for college and became part of the male cheering squad there. He looks so far from the Andrian I knew, so I was only sure it was him because his address located him in Pasig City. He is still the friendly guy I know, and had managed to shed off a great amount of weight too. He had lost his rosy cheeks though. But he is still smiles a lot, and that is great. I still hope I could meet him someday. I bet he'd notice a great difference with the little girl he once knew.

Finally, I searched for our Grade 3 class vice president, Mr. Timothy Nabong. He was a thin looking kid with fairly large eyes and ears (in my eyes that is). He was once my seatmate and I admired his mad drawing skillz. He was really smart too. I had a secret crush with him back then.

Lo and behold, the kid had turned into a fine man. He was (or perhaps still is) a part of a religious band called SONs Youth Band, writing music (and maybe singing them as well). He was very active in a religious sense, even writing a column called "Looking Up" which is a reflection of a student's life with God. He looks different in his picture too, grown bigger muscles than when I last saw him. He'd probably scold me about my faith if I ever meet him again.

I tried to search for others, but it seemed that the Internet holds little to no info about them. Maybe one day I could try to search for more of my elementary classmates and see what they've been up to.


P.S. By the way, if you are curious, I tried to look your name up as well. As of today, Google finds nothing under your name.

Where has Santa gone?

Thinking about you during this season of happiness.

Dear Father,

It's December once again, and Christmas is lurking just around the corner. This used to be a pretty lonely holiday for me. There were the small presents. There were a few friends. There was plenty of food on the table. But still there is something missing all these past Christmases.

And that something was you.

Years ago, your absence was very much noticed. I would decorate the Christmas tree all by myself. Figure out how to get the star on the top. Ask my cousin's help with the electrical stuff. Come up with the best Christmas cards or gifts I can create. Cook something special for the Noche Buena and eat it with the family. That was how Christmas would go for me. It was monotonous, with nothing special happening. I always waited though. Always hoped. That one day Santa would answer my long time wish to finally spend a Christmas with you.

I once had the courage to come up with a Christmas list during my childhood years. It composed of the latest Barbie that was the latest model back then, gift wrapped and delivered right at my doorstep. I ended up forgetting about it. I tore it up and threw it away when I discovered it again and was told that the reason Santa can't go here is because we don't have any chimneys.

When I entered highschool, our 3rd year teacher gave us star-shaped slips of yellow cardboard to write all our wishes for Christmas. All the stars will then be placed at our door to form a Christmas tree out of it. Guess what I wished for?

That there would be peace in the world and that all families would be together this Christmas.

I had grown past the age of making gift lists for Santa. Now, I'm making a list for the people around me. The pain of your absence was lessened by the presence of my family and friends. Christmases today were much happier than it was before.

But still, I can't resist thinking about you. You are still my father no matter what. And however short was the span of time that the two of us spent together, you can't erase the fact that you still have some place in this small broken heart of mine.

I still think of you even today. Where in the world could he be staying right now? Is there snow in that country? I wish he would send some chocolates. Even melted snow would be nice. I'd just keep it frozen. What is his health condition? Is he sick? I hope he isn't. And if he is, I hope he gets well soon. How about gifts? Will he be receiving any? What would he like if he were here?

I think it will be a very very long time before all these questions and many more are answered. But I can wait as long as God permits me to stay in this mortal realm. I just want you to know that I miss you very much.

And Papa... Merry Christmas... wherever you are in the world.

Sincerely yours,
Urban Witch