Eheheheheh... Ooopps?
It's the year 2008, and since almost everything in my life is in hiatus at the moment, so will this blog. With the things I've learned in last Saturday's "Internet Marketing Bootcamp", (all my gratitude to my neechan and the people of US Auto Parts Phils.), I was enlightened that if I really want this site to be what I dream of it, I would have to take more time and effort reconstructing the site and all. And so, I have decided to close the site temporarily for its much needed renovations.
It will be up and back maybe by February this year (I'm not promising anything though.)
As for now, please enjoy my very first movie, and this little snippet I picked up while roaming around the net. It was written in my native tongue, so I made a rough translation of everything else in English for the majority of you who will read this. To enjoy the raw text, follow the link on the title. :)
26. Walang Tawiran (No Crossing)
(Rough translation of "Walang Tawiran")
*on picture: "That's because you're always on a hurry. Aren't we supposed to do this together?"
X: Then why did you ask me to wait?
Y: I thought that there are things that doesn't have to be told. As Wittgenstein said-
X: I've heard about that.
Y: And why is it that our names are still X and Y? We're like the Cartesian Plane. That's why we never meet. Because I hate Math.
X: Let it go. See, we finally met. But I have to go now.
Y: You can't cross there. Use the overpass instead.
X: I can't believe you're super concerned about me. As if you'd cry if I die.
So X crossed the street, got hit by a vehicle, became a model for the "No Crossing. Deadly.**" promo that was used in the campaign of BF. While Y on the other hand--
Y: If you only waited for me...
X (as a soul): It's not that easy.
Y: Is it easier to die?
X: Sometimes.
**I have a real hard time trying to translate "Nakamamatay". For a visual of the road sign, see the above picture.
My first movie based on true events of my life. Its really blurry coz I only used a cellphone cam with low specs. Still, I hope you enjoy it. If you can't see the movie, just follow the link below and leave a comment.
Maalala Mo Sana by Silent Sanctuary
P.S. I'd be glad to take free blogging lessons from anyone who' d volunteer out there. Leave your tips via comment and I'd be glad to link back to your site if I use your tips to improve mine.
Thank you.